I am a huge fan of learning. One of the many mediums I use for that specific purpose is, YouTube.

2013-14 – Fun For Louis

Earlier I used to be gaga over @FunforLouis, a guy that travelled the world, was picked up by BBC or Discovery for recreating the amazon rainforest in his room, he bought a boom bus and went travelling across the United States. I was in complete aww of him. Some of my favorite works : Rickshaw run in India

2015-17 Casey Neistat

Then there was @CaeyNeistat, a guy that took the internet was storm by his daily vlog. He did it for around 600 days non stop, then was picked up HBO, in the meanwhile his company he started was acquired by CNN, lastly he quit for a while to raise his family. Now he occasionally creates content on YouTube.

My favorite works of CaseyMake It Count , he was given a 1 million dollar budget by nike to create an advertisement for their new watch, with the budget he used to travel the world.

What I loved about these men they are living an unconventional life. While most people doubted them on their journeys they remained extremely ambitious, resilience, driven by their own beliefs and purpose. To me they seem like the very definition of self actualization, which is basically the phenomena where an individual is living to their fullest potential.

Before you meet my current favorite @JohnnyHarris, let me introduce you to some dope women creators as well

2015-18 Women Youtubers

In between this I found amazing women as well. Anna Akana and Inna Sarkis. They are just themselves, they have a vision not everybody understands, and they are okay with that. For starters they are gifted storyteller as well as filmmakers! I wrote about them back in the day. Click here to check out there work.

2018- Till Date – Johnny Harris

Finally to my current fav, Johnny Harris. Johnny works at Vox, an American news website created to help you cut through the noise and understand the news. He is their freelance filmmaker, journalist. One of his best-known projects was Borders, a short six piece documentary capturing human stories behind the line on the maps. He has covered from the North Pole to the northern shore of Africa to the Himalayas of Nepal.

Now he runs his own Youtube channel and opened a company called Bright Trips, to teach travel hacks from experienced travelers. He has always been super real with his subscribers, which allow him to get make better content charging a nominal fee.

Importance of Self Education

What I love most from his channel is the emphasis gives on self education. I mean it’s not a common concept in India or most Asian countries. We are told, immediately after graduation, jump to Masters or MBA (Masters in Business Administration), work for 6 months, get married, have a child, and bam the cycle starts again. There’s no time for self introspection or “Slowing it down”. So when I came across someone that resonated with the idea of self education happening at home or travelling, I was happy. It gave me hope, that I too can start something of my own. I mean writing this blog is proof of that.

Johnny has inspired me numerous times throughout these three years. And by writing this post, I hope you too can be inspired by his travel stories.

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